Secrets of digital celebrities
Experts from web agencies and communication agencies who create value with digital.

Entrust your digital e-marketing strategy to a web agency.
The digital strategy incorporates several businesses and areas of expertise
The digital strategy works through several channels and includes SEO, SEA and SEM techniques, website creation, editorial line, e-reputation, social networking, web editing, website optimization and ergonomics. It is a good idea to choose to entrust your web communication to a digital communication agency. For further details, visit cratzy.fr.

Website design creation
Whether it is a showcase website like horaires-prieres.fr, an institutional website, an e-shop or merchant website, an informative website, or a blog, the creation of a website must respect the latest design trends. To communicate your company’s values, choose the web design that really meets your needs and use it as the basis of your website: background color, images, text blocks…

Website experts
A team that brings together all the expertise required for the design or redesign of a website. It accompanies you in your graphic design projects.

Web referencing
Website referencing requires a rigorous approach with techniques for linking internal and external links, choice of keywords, semantics…

Design & Graphics
Whether it’s drawing a cartoon, designing a website, creating a business card or doing photo retouching, you can call on a web agency.

Website analysis
Analysis and testing of websites: speed, SEO, security and quality… Website analysis allows to identify gaps in order to set up an effective web strategy.

E-mailing campaign
E-mail is one of the most powerful means to engage your audience (newsletter, e-mailing) for their loyalty, prospecting and development of notoriety.

Web hosting
It offers the necessary services to ensure that your company’s website can be consulted on the Internet in an optimized manner.
The importance of the corporate image
The importance of branding is the impact it can have on your bottom line. It is essential to be concerned about how your customers and targets perceive your brand. A positive image for your brand influences your sales and awareness.

Corporate branding and rebranding is a whole brand concept.

The e-reputation of a brand is the result of its behaviour and communication.

Community Management
Managing the presence of a brand or organization on social networks.
Video: Digital marketing tool
Video is an urgent terrain for brands to conquer because it is a powerful communication tool. Video has emerged as a lever to inform, teach and entertain. It’s hard to do without it in your strategy.
Corporate video
Whether it’s to showcase your products, set yourself apart from the competition, or promote your values, corporate video is a very effective and powerful tool. You can easily communicate your message.
Influencers: the stars of the digital world
Companies and major brands use influencers to increase their traffic, get a peak of visibility for your website or your promotional campaign to boost their sales. These new web stars or opinion leaders are comfortable with social networks or their blog and have a strong power of prescription towards their community.
Mobile marketing strategy
The design of mobile applications allows you to optimize your mobile marketing strategy. These applications allow your customers to access your services more easily and to contact you in all circumstances.
Mobile marketing
It aims to reach your customers via their mobile phone, smartphone or even their mobile phone. Thanks to mobiles, your company always has the opportunity to get its message across to its customers.